Archive for 07/25/13
[INSTAGRAM] 130725 Yuri's Update "노브레싱촬영하다 박수하만났다?! # 박솨 #내맘두읽었냐?! #nobreathing"
[Caption] : 노브레싱촬영하다 박수하만났다?! # 박솨 #내맘두읽었냐?! #nobreathing
[Trans Caption] :
I met Park Sooha while filming No Breathing?! #parkswa #did_you_read_my_thoughts_too?! #nobreathing
*Park Sooha is Lee Jongsuk's character's name in his current drama 'I Can Hear Your Voice'
*her hashtag 'parkswa' is just how Park Sooha would sound if read in a shorter way(?)
*her hashtag about reading her thoughts is also a reference to the drama 'I Can hear Your Voice'. in the drama, the character Park Sooha is capable of reading people's thoughts
Trans by ch0sshi
[INSTAGRAM] 130725 Yuri's Update "좋길래햇살이 으헝헝"
[Caption] : 좋길래햇살이 으헝헝
[Trans Caption] :
Because the sunshine is nice eu-heong-heong
[INSTAGRAM] 130725 Yuri's Update "고맙습니다 #film"
[Caption] : 고맙습니다 #film
[Trans Caption] :
That foot is mine #film