Archive for 08/15/13
[OFFICIAL SITE] 130815 [From. SEOHYUN] Everyone~!
[ORIGINAL] [From. SEOHYUN] 여러분~! 오늘은 제68주년 광복절입니다!^^
대한민국을 위해 희생하신 모든 독립투사와 위인들께
감사한 마음으로 광복절의 의미를 되새기는 하루를 보냅시다!^^♥
[TRANS] [From. SEOHYUN] Everyone~!
Everyone~! Today is the 68th anniversary of Korea’s liberation day!^^
For the people who sacrificed themselves for the independence of the Republic of Korea
Let’s spend the day with a grateful heart, meditating on the meaning of Independence Day!^^♥